An Introduction to the Garnet
January’s birthstone, garnet, may be more scientifically fascinating than you ever realized!Garnet is more of a “family” of related gems than a single stone, and all of their atomic structures are made of X3Y2(SiO4)3. The “X” and “Y” in the formula can be filled with different elements, giving the final stone different qualities. Ranging from the flower-purple rhodolite to mysterious olive-green demantoid, garnets range the entire spectrum, giving the family of related gemstones a near-infinite appeal and a style that pairs well with any look you might be putting together.
Garnet is a truly ancient stone. In fact, the English word “garnet” comes from the Latin “granatum,” which means “pomegranate.” This is because the most common garnet—and the one most people associate with this rainbow-hued family—is almandine garnet, which comes in a shade of red comparable with the finest rubies.
Still, despite their (rightly deserved) status as a beloved gemstone, for the past 150 years, different species of garnet have been used for industrial purposes. In recent history, garnet’s proven its worth in abrasive blasting and intricate filtration.
Also, garnets are unique because they are one of the few gems that aesthetically benefit from inclusions.
Almost like a fingerprint, the inclusions in different species of garnet give them a joie de vivre that sets them apart from any other kind of jewel. For example, demantoid garnet is very frequently found with “horsetail” inclusions that are made from thousands of thin threads of asbestos baked into the jewel—and people find them more beautiful and costly than the unincluded demantoid! Uvarovite is speckled and grainy, often only found as drusy, and it’s still treasured! Hessonite, spessartine, and many other variants also exhibit delightfully unusual inclusions.
When it comes to garnet in jewelry, the jewel has just as much variation as its colors. Thanks to the different molecules in the different tones of garnet, the Mohs scale hardness of garnet can range from a relatively soft 6.5 to a relatively hard 7.5. Remember that when it comes to softer stones, they’re more apt to chip or crack if they get hit, so save them for earrings and necklaces
Find Garnet and Other Gemstone Jewelry at Rogers Jewelry Co.
For 82 years, Rogers Jewelry Co. has been bringing the finest selections of jewelry from the top designers in the industry. The Rogers Jewelry Co. showrooms have a treasure trove of fashion jewelry, including bracelets, fashion rings, necklaces, and earrings, wedding bands, engagement rings, and more. If you’re interested in Swiss-quality timepieces to add a bit of class to your look, remember to make Rogers Jewelry Co. your first stop. And if you’re in love with garnet, our master craftsmen can help you to design custom jewelry with the graceful January stone.To find out more about our jewelry and services, call us today at 1-800-733-1874, or come to our seven California showrooms in Modesto, Visalia, Elk Grove, Folsom, Fresno, and Bakersfield, or our showroom in Reno, Nevada!